Saturday, March 19, 2016

Welcome to Networked Journalism!

What is networked journalism? How are practices and values of journalists and habits of publics changing? How are power dynamics changing? 

These questions are all over the news and scholarly literature these days as ideas about who is a journalist and what journalists ought to be doing are shifting.

Protests related to the 2014 police killings of Eric Gardner in Staten Island and Michael Brown in Ferguson, and the Black Lives Matter movement that grew out of these tragedies, are represented in various ways using different sources, tones, styles, genres.

Report from Fox.
Focus on phones from the Daily Mail.
Images from CBS.

One of the benefits of changes in journalism is that a more diverse array of perspectives are represented.  

Here Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie talks about how to confront what she calls "the danger of the single story." 

What does this have to do journalism?  

 Tim Pool talking about his new-style journalism, just one of many many new genres of news.

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