As a species,
humans naturally like to think the best of things. Whether we putt he silver
lining in little clouds like getting a bad grade, or getting broken up with, to
assuming that the people in power and those with money are not terrible corrupt
people. We recently were reminded about just how corrupt our little world
really is. The Panama Papers revealed to us an entire world of corruption,
collusion and under-the-table deals that beforehand, had gone completely unnoticed.
the papers did name some major players in Western politics, it also showed us
just how terrible some people in the world really are. For example, the papers exposed a man who ran an illegal sex-slave ring in Russia. Mossack Fonseca apparently knew about this illegal and immoral activity and, instead of reporting it, decided to let it slide under the table and keep making money. Another example, Mossack Fonseca helped a company in Uganda avoid paying taxes by simply putting them in a different zone. Had the company paid their taxes, it could have led to incredible improvements in the country's health, education and infrastructure.
Although there currently are, and always will be bad people in this world, we sometimes forget about them. The Panama Papers have reminded the entire world to stay on their toes and to question what the people in charge are doing.
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