Monday, May 2, 2016

Big Data in the Alps: #SwissLeaks

Journalism is a profession that has been providing a fundamental check and balance to powerful individuals and institutions for centuries by adopting and adapting technology to gather and disseminate news. From the 20th-Century computer-assisted reporting to contemporary data-centric tools, journalists have long sought to understand the world, tell stories and inform the public. It is no surprise then that industry buzz surrounding the potential of “big data” – essentially the junction between the conceptual and methodological approaches to journalism, social, and computer sciences – is dividing opinion.

One reason is that big data is an enabler. Data allows people to think creatively, interpret more comprehensively, and find new ways to approach problems practically. On the one hand, big data can help drive greater transparency and accountability, whereby individuals can (re)shape socio-technical systems through linked content. This idea is particularly relevant for development. For example, the United Nations has called for a data revolution to support its post-2015 development goals, mapping out a Global Pulse initiative to predict behaviours of developing states. While well-intentioned, on the other hand, such programs and the availability of big data could lead to far more censorship.

Big data in journalism also requires technological skill, a degree of digitisation and number-crunching savvy. While technology can facilitate the gathering, filtering and propagating of news, the time pressures of fast-paced journalism can create difficulties in thoroughly analysing data for a story, and may result in mistakes – particularly relevant for developing nations. For example, the Global Investigative Journalism Network reports that in a race to deliver news as fast as possible, “the quality of news has been compromised by an editorial workflow that privileges speed over accuracy.” At the same time, poor timeliness is not adequate to meet emerging policy needs. Institutions have responded to the skill-time gap with interesting approaches. For instance, a data-driven journalism program at Stanford University blends technology and storytelling through learning how to combine multimedia, data-intensive and design tools. The aim is to discover the patterns in the data and develop distinct instruments for better telling stories of social significance.
Finally, big data also pervades the debate about privacy. Data privacy, ethics and human rights have long been issues of interest tightly intertwined with journalism, national security and private enterprises. Leaks in particular exemplify this dilemma; from Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks to Edward Snowden’s release of NSA documents, leaks demonstrate that a lack of trust breeds distrust. The February 2015 SwissLeaks are particularly illustrative of this argument. SwissLeaks was an investigation carried out by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) into a tax evasion scheme by the British multinational bank HSBC. The bank allegedly profited from tax evaders and other clients. The initial reports are incredibly difficult to comprehend if you do not understand financial jargon or the language, and this is where big data can fall short, alienating those that are not the target audience. However, SwissLeaksReviewed released a graphic and approachable response to the leaks without losing the critical analysis of the ICIJ’s original report. I strongly think that SwissLeaksReviewed is the direction that big data needs to continue in, in order to be transparent in the most important sense – both impactful and informative.

I see big data in the case of the SwissLeaks as an opportunity to embrace. The value of the big data phenomenon, of “both the ideation and implementation of computational and mathematical mindsets and skill sets in newswork – as well as the necessary deconstruction and critique of such approaches” has huge potential in educating and revealing information to the public. What both the journalism and big data camps have to offer each other is enormous; drone journalism is especially exciting field that merges storytelling with the scientific realm, drawing parallels to Lourdes Garcia-Navarro’s work. Professor Matt Waite’s Drone Journalism Lab is especially one to watch

A succinct summary of the big data (r)evolution can be found in a 2013 post by European think-tank Bruegel.

Discussion Questions
  • What is the role of the fourth estate (news media/print journalism) in holding data-oriented practices accountable?
  • Can policies be developed that strike the right balance between privacy and data ownership benefits?

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