Thursday, May 19, 2016

The "Live Video" Feature on Facebook Reshapes Storytelling

A New Form of Storytelling:
With technology and media ever-evolving, it is not surprise that news is becoming shared in more creative ways as the digital age emerges. Things like humorous and satirical news has become popular, as has interactive documentary and other online sources of news that engage the audience in ways that traditional journalism cannot.
Perhaps one of Facebook's newest additions is the Live Video aspect that is similar to an app known as Periscope. Periscope lets users stream live videos, which are only available for 24 hours. On Facebook, the video can be streamed live, but afterwards is left on that person's timeline or page for as long as they'd like.
(Photo courtesy of Facebook Newsroom, 2016)

The Facebook Live Video can be used for friends and family to share with others or for popular pages on Facebook to share a real-time video. This new feature further emphasizes Facebook as a news platform. Over the years, Facebook users have noted that the platform is one of their primary ways that they get news, whether it be a status, shared article or even a video that they scroll by on their timeline. Now, there is a live video function that pulls viewers in by the flashing pink icon, stating "live video" and intrigues the viewers to know what that specific person or company is doing/sharing at this exact moment.
I went to CU Boulder's graduation a few weeks ago, and the speaker took a Facebook Live video in the midst of her speech as the newly grads sang their alma mater song.
This feature makes storytelling even easier. Facebook is one of the most heavily used social media platforms and undeniably an outlet for story telling (statuses, likes, photos, videos, etc.). Not only does the live video feature add to the means of storytelling but it does so in a way that is relevant and shares ideas that are anything but old news.

1. Have you ever used the live video function on Facebook or seen someone who has? What was your reaction to it?
2. Why do you think Facebook added this feature, what sets it apart from it's other features? Is it important?


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